Issue 10
S/S 2011

Issue 10
S/S 2011
Spain’s most worldly master builder is a true artist at heart
Interview by Horacio Silva
Photography by Lukas Wassmann
The two architects from Brussels are all about control—and letting go a bit
Interview by Felix Burrichter
Photography by Jimmy Robert
The London design ingénue has a way with laminates and workmanship
Interview by Caroline Roux
Photography by Andreas Larsson
The British artist who honed his rhetoric skills in architecture school
Interview by Stuart Comer
Photography by Carla Verea
A visit to Montreal Gardens, St. Vincent—a man-made Garden of Eden high above the the Caribbean Sea. A special PIN–UP commission featuring Nightstands designed by Aranda\Lasch, Leon Ransmeier, Michael Stipe, Shawn Maximo, Paul Lee, Rafael de Cárdenas with Evan Gruzis, Jim Drain, RO/LU, Paul Kopkau, Situ Studio, and Rich Brilliant Willing. Ten New York Architects answer ten questions about their dream projects, architecture pet peeves, and keywords for 2011. Kevin Greenberg discusses the role of the overwhelmingly beautiful sets in Alain Resnais’s 1961 art house classic, Last Year at Marienbad. Photographer Camo captures architect Rogelio Salmona’s brick work in the Colombian capital, Bogotá. Artist Ouida Angelica Biddle choreographs stalwarts of domestic design in a chrome-rendered fantasia. A peek inside the private home of John Currin and Rachel Feinstein—one of the art world’s most talked about apartments. A selection of renderings by Brazil’s leading man of Modernist Landscape, Burle Marx. Andrew Ayers writes about Lina Bo Bardi, Brazil’s first lady of Modernism. Justin Fowler discusses Victor Bisharat, the man behind the postwar urban planning fantasy of Stamford, CT. A look inside a backroom design showroom in Cologne. A trip to Fire Island to see the Horace Gifford-designed Crawford House. A PIN–UP board grab bag including Portuguese chapels, the Glass House’s lesser known brick cousin, an alternative retirement community in Palm Springs, trompe-l’œil prints and lampshade trims, Tel Aviv’s Yaakov Gardens, Helmut Langs’s totemic sculptures, Buckminster Fuller’s Fountain Factory, Feng Shui, Angelo Plessas’s physical and virtual monuments, RO/LU, and a porn set entirely made of concrete. And a conversation with Beatriz Colomina about seduction in relation to the world’s second-oldest profession.